Friday, 13 December 2013


So Tumblr has always been one of my fave ways to procrastinate. My excuse being that I'm actually finding inspiration for my university projects, which sometimes is actually true. After hearing about Pinterest, I refused to join the bandwagon, as I already had too many forms of social media and internet sources to distract me. However at the beginning of this uni year, my friends were going on about their Pinterests, and well I felt like I was missing out on something. So, now, amongst all the other platforms, I am now a Pinner. And proud. 

It is so addictive, you may leave it alone for a couple of days but as soon as you pin something, you have to pin at least another ten things. It is also a great way to store information for university projects, more so than Tumblr as you can form a board dedicated to that one specific subject, making it easy to refer back to that image you found a couple of days back. This doesn't mean that my Tumblr is now a distant memory, as I am still a-tumbling, but maybe just less regularly. I see Tumblr as a giant on going mood board, something beautiful I can create for both myself and other people to scroll through. On the other hand Pinterest is more efficient, organised and a great source for quick references. 

Check out my Pinterest here and my Tumblr here.

If you are reading this most and are a Tumblr or a Pinner, leave me a link to yours in the comments box below so I can check it out!

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